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Functions of the Ministry of Education

Functions of the Ministry of Education

What is the Ministry of Education?
Several countries throughout the world possess government departments known as the Ministry of Education. For this article, we will discuss the Ministry of Education of India, also known as the Ministry of Human Resource Development. The Ministry of Education of India is a part of the government of India, responsible for the development of human resources and the educational system in the country.
The Ministry of Education of India is divided into two separate departments: the Department of School Education and Literacy, which is responsible for organizing and funding various aspects of primary education and literacy, and the Department of Higher Education, which deals with secondary and post-secondary educational efforts. 
The Ministry of Education, or the Ministry of Human Resources Development, is headed by a minister of cabinet rank as a member of the Council of Ministers. The current head of the Ministry of Education of India is Kapil Sibal; Mr. Sibal is assisted by a single Minister of State, Daggubati Purandeswari, who is officially labeled as the Minister of State for Human Resource Development. 
The Department of Ministry of Education basics functions: 
Within the Ministry of Education exists the Department of School Education and Literacy. This sub department of the Ministry of Education is responsible for primary education, in both the formal and non-formal setting. The stated goal of the Department of School Education and Literacy aims to offer elementary education across the country; in the simplest of terms, the department aims to create a universal elementary education system.
This department originated as the Indian Education Department in the early 1900s under the British Raj. After the nation gained independence, a full-fledged ministry formed, officially named the ministry of Education, was created in 1947.
This newly formed Ministry of Education was then merged with the newly-established Ministry of Human Resources Development in 1985. Together, these departments aim to achieve universal access and enrollment for all primary education students in the nation, including a universal retention of children up to 14 years of age. In addition to supplying primary education to all citizens of the nation, the department aims to achieve universal retention of children up to 14 years of age, as well as providing substantial improvement in the quality of education to enable all children to achieve proven essentials levels of learning. 
The Department of Higher Education, another sub category of the Ministry of Education of India, is responsible for providing and improving secondary and post-secondary educational systems in the country. The department is empowered to offer grants to universities and academic institutions who they deem fit; the issuance of grants is initiated based on the advice of the University Grants Commission of India. 

Education Policy Overview

Education Policy Overview

An education policy is the collection of rules and regulations that are implemented in an educational system. Because of the various aspects and types of education, an education policy will differ quite greatly.
Furthermore, there are also state and federal education policies implemented which meant to govern educational systems on a larger scale. Also, an education policy can be implemented in terms of the various grades or levels of education. For example, an education policy in regards to elementary school may address different issues than an education policy in a secondary school.
Education policy will consider various aspects of education which can range quite greatly. Some examples can include school and class size, teacher education and certification, and specific curricular content taught in specific schools or grades. In essence, education policy will concentrate on the administrative concerns of particular educational system. However, it can also be evident on a daily basis on a smaller scale, such as in the form of the disciplinary rules imposed on students and staff and graduation requirements.

Education Law Explained

Education Law Explained

What is Education Law?

Education law is a formal set of rules and regulations that were established to guide the workings and goals of a particular education system. The majority of regions in the United States possess a detailed educational law system to create a comprehensive educational policy. Educational law is a comprehensive field that may deal with the creation and funding of schools, the requirements needed to become a teacher, the rights of the students, and overall school policy.

As a result of the importance of education and the mechanisms needed to institute a suitable educational system, the framework requires an established legal code to operate under. Education is viewed as a fundamental aspect of society; through the instillation of basic knowledge and skills such as reading, science, writing, and mathematics the education system helps produce knowledgeable workers who are primed for additional training in a specialized field.

In turn, this system helps create a more skilled workforce that can benefit not only the economy, but society as a whole. For these reasons, governing bodies (on the federal and local levels) have developed education law to regulate and deliver a sound system to ensure the delivery of proper funding as well as suitable teaching professionals.

Basic forms of educational law will create a compulsory education system. Such a system requires that children attend school through a certain age or for a specific period of time. For example, in the United States, education is compulsory through the age of 18, although each state will adopt their own interpretation in regards to length requirements. 

In addition to the time parameters established through educational law, the field can also dictate the standards and practices of the underlying teaching professionals. Such a system will institute provisions or requirements that will elucidate on what is the appropriate course for hiring teachers, as well as their appropriate wages and protocol. 

Educational law will also institute policies and practices used to evaluate teaching methods. This field within educational law is controversial; however, it is a necessary function to maximize the efficiency of the educational system. Some believe teachers or education as a whole should be evaluate based on the academic performance of students, while others contend that such a method will deliver fraudulent results based on the skewed socioeconomic numbers of different regions in the united States. 

Every state in the United States possesses a department of education. These agencies were created to deliver and evaluate the education system in their particular area. Matters concerning effectiveness, funding, teaching methods, evaluation practices and the general well-being of the educational system are evaluated and acted upon accordingly. In a broader sense, the federal government of the United States also possesses a Department of Education that attempts to accomplish the same goals, only on a national level. 

Bilingual Education Quick Overview

Bilingual Education Quick Overview

What is Bilingual Education?
Bilingual education refers to teaching academic content in two distinct languages; both the native language and a secondary language, with varying amounts of each language, is used in accordance with a program model in a bilingual education course. 
Types of Bilingual Education Programs:
Transitional Bilingual education refers to teaching a course or curriculum in a child’s native language to ensure that the student does not fall behind his or her person in content areas such as social studies, math and science, while they are learning English.
The goal these programs is to help students transition to the mainstream teaching of the child’s particular school, while the linguistic goal of such a program, is to teach the child English in a simultaneous fashion to teaching other subjects in the student’s particular language.
Dual Language Immersion Bilingual education is a program specifically designed to help non-native English speakers become bilingual. In an ideal setting, in the context of the United States, half of the students in the program will be native speakers of English, while the other half will be native speakers of the respective minority language. These types of bilingual education programs are not too common in United States’ schools; that being said, research indicates that these types of programs are extremely effective in helping students learn English.
Another form of bilingual education is a specific type of Dual Language program that enables students to study English in two different ways: the first offers a variety of academic subjects that are taught in the students’ second language. The teaching is offered by specially trained bilingual teachers who understand students in their native language, but answer inquires in the second language. The second part of this program incorporates Native Language literacy classes aimed at improving students’ writing and higher-order language skills in the students’ first language. 
Late-Exit or Developments Bilingual Education programs refer to platforms where the teaching is offered in the child’s native language for an extended duration, which is specifically accompanied by education in an English setting. The goal of these programs is to strengthen literacy in the child’s native language first, and then transfer said skills to the second language. 
Bilingual Education in the United States:
In the United States, bilingual education focuses on English Language Learners; according to the United States Department of Education, a bilingual education program is most efficient for English proficient students. Supporters of these programs argue that bilingual education not only helps keep non-English-speaking children from falling behind their classmates in other subjects while they learn English, but such programs teach English in a more efficient manner than English-only programs. 

Adult Education Explained

Adult Education Explained

What is Adult Education?

Adult education refers to the practice of teaching and educating adults. Adult education, in most jurisdictions, is delivered in the work environment, through an extension of an academic institution or school of continuing education. In addition to the workplace, other environments which promote or offer adult education are community colleges, folk high schools and lifelong learning centers. 

The practice of Adult Education is typically referred to as a “Training and Development” medium and is often associated with professional or work-related development. Adult education is held separate from vocational education, which predominantly focuses on the teaching of a workplace-based skill, as a result of the more general implications.

In addition, adult education is also held in contrast from non-formal adult education, which includes learning skills or the delivery of resources to improve or augment personal development.  

Characteristics of Adult Education:

Adult education programs can take the form of numerous classroom or educational settings. For instance, adult education programs may provide one to one tutoring and small group sessions for individuals who possess 6th grade or below educational levels. Public libraries, various school systems and some non-profit organizations are the typical institutions that provide these environments throughout the country.

These programs, including various educational centers and community colleges, will receive grants from Welfare and Unemployment departments to deliver their training to those individuals who are recipients of welfare and unemployment.

These adult education providers help these individuals gain life and work skills in order to facilitate their return to working society. In addition to those individuals receiving government assistance, adult education programs are also made available to ex-offenders for the purpose of expediting their assimilation into society. 

How does an Adult Education program differ from other types of Educational Institutions? 

The process of educating adults will differ from educating children in a number of ways. Arguably the most important difference is that adults already possess an accumulated level of knowledge, both in the form of institutionalized educational programs and the knowledge they have gathered from their respective work experience.

In addition to the presence of an already established foundation of knowledge, another difference between adult education programs and child-based educational systems is that the majority of adult education is voluntarily. As a result of this characteristic, the majority of students who participate in adult education programs are self-motivated. 

Adults, participating in adult education programs, will typically apply their knowledge in a practical fashion to learn in an effective fashion. Adults participating in these programs utilize a reasonable expectation that the knowledge gained will help them further their societal-based and employment goals. 

The typical stereotype attached to adult education programs, specifically in the United States, is that of the high-school dropout who opts to return to school in order to complete general education requirements. Although this is a common form of adult education, is not to be taken for the singular form of adult education.

A fast-growing sector of adult education is English for Speakers of Other Languages; these courses are vital in assisting immigrants with only the acquisition of the English language, but also the acclimation process to the general culture of the United States. If you feel you are not learning the skills you sought out to contact an education lawyer to consult your case.


Continuing Education Facts

Continuing Education Facts

What is Continuing Education?
Continuing education (known as furthering education in the United Kingdom) refers to an all-encompassing term placed within a broad spectrum of post-secondary educational programs and activities.
Continuing education is predominantly used in the United States to recognize a form of post-secondary learning programs within the following domains: non-degree career training programs, degree credit courses offered for non-traditional students, programs dedicated to workforce training, formal personal enrichment courses (offered in both the on-campus and online setting), self-directed learning activities (such as clubs, personal research activities and interest groups), as well as experiential learning programs applied to problem solving initiatives. 
Continuing Education Characteristics:
In general, continuing education is similar to adult education programs; the majority of continuing education activities are intended for and taken by adult learners, who are beyond the traditional undergraduate or university age. That being said, continuing education courses or activities typically do not include basic instructional courses, such as those who teach English language skills, literacy or programs offering vocational training or GED prep.
It is therefore assumed, that those individuals employing continuing education activities, already possess a certain level of education—continuing education in the simplest sense denotes that the adult learner is simply furthering his or her interest and understanding in a particular subject.
In the United States, continuing education typically involves a formal enrollment in a college or university credit-accruing course. In most cases, these courses are enrolled in a part-time fashion and often offered through a division of the particular school or university—these divisions are typically regarded as university extensions or an extension of the mother school. In addition, continuing education practices can mean a formal enrollment in a non-credit-granting course; in these settings, the individual is partaking in continuing education for a personal or non-vocational enrichment. 

Continuing Education Programs offered for Professionals:
Within the broad domain of continuing education, exists a professional continuing education program that is specifically offered for those employees or individuals wishing to further their understanding of a work-related subject.
Professional continuing education courses offer the issuance of a certificate for the purpose of documenting attendance at a specific seminar or course of instruction. Licensing organizations, in a number of fields, will impose continuing education requirements on its employees or members within a particular profession. These requirements are placed to encourage professionals to expand their knowledge and to stay up-to-date on new technological developments or practices within the particular field. 

Functions of Department of Education

Functions of Department of Education


What is the Department of Education?

The United States Department of Education, also known as the ED, is a governmental organization and Cabinet-level department of the United States Federal Government.

The United States Department of Education, which was created by the Department of Education Organization Act and was signed into law by President Jimmy Carter on October 17, 1979—the United States Department of Education began to officially operate on May 16, 1980.

The Department of Education Organization Act officially divided the Department of Health, Education and Welfare into more segmented departments, including the Department of Education and the Department of Health and Human Services. When the modification was finalized, the Department of Education is administered by the United States Secretary of Education. Although the Department of Education is a full-functioning and funded governmental organization, it remains the smallest Cabinet-level department, with roughly 5,000 employees.

Functions of the Department of Education:

The most notable functions of the Department of Education, according to the organization’s mission statement, is to “establish policy for, administer and coordinate most federal assistance to education, collect raw data on schools in the United States and to enforce federal educational laws regarding privacy and civil rights.” The Department of Education, as a government body of the Federal Government, is not permitted nor attempts to, establish schools or colleges throughout the country. 

Unlike the educational systems of other nations, education in the United States of America is decentralized (the school systems are funded and run on a local level). The federal government and its coordinating Department of Education, in the United States, is not primarily involved in determining educational standards or curricula—although this role has been augmented through the passing of the No Child Left Behind Act.

Following the passing of this legislation, the function of providing a curricula and establishing educational standards has been left to state and local school districts; if a local school system decides it needs aid in developing a curricula or funding, the federal government and more specifically the Department of Education, will act as an intermediary to bolster the school’s effectiveness. In general, however, the quality and effectiveness of an educational institution and their coordinating degrees is primarily maintained through an informal private process known as accreditation.

This process is implemented and maintained by the local school district itself; in accreditation, the Department of Education has no direct public jurisdictional control. In general, as a government body, the Department of Education aims to promote student achievement and the preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access. If you need legal advice and assistance, contact an education lawyer.



Directorate of Education At A Glance

Directorate of Education At A Glance

What is the Directorate of Education?
The Directorate of Education is the governmental department operating under the education ministry of the Delhi Government—the Indian governing body responsible for managing the city’s public school system.
The Delhi government has made several efforts for growing and improving education in Delhi; by recognizing the importance of education, the government of Delhi spends roughly 10% of its total budget towards improving the Education Sector. 
In 1973, the Delhi School Education Act was passed by the nation’s assembly; this act required that primary education and pre-primary curriculum in Delhi was to be governed by the local bodies, such as the MCD, the NDMCH and the Delhi Cantonment Board.
Intertwined with these legislating responsibilities, the Delhi School Education Act affirmed the roll of the Directorate of Education, which was made responsible for the secondary and senior secondary level of education. 
The responsibilities of the Directorate of Education have recently become more prestigious and vigorous as Delhi’s secondary schools have increased from 254,000 in 1980-1981 to over 800,000 in 2009-2009. This overwhelming increase of secondary schools in the district is coupled into the fact that the district has not grown in size. As a result of this expansion in the number of secondary schools and the space constraint realized, the role of the Directorate of Education was modified into two separate shifts—a morning shift for female students and an evening shift for male students.
Due to the expanded growth rate of the district’s population and the shortage of infrastructure, the Directorate of Education also introduced primary classes in its 364 school districts. 
The Department of the Directorate of Education:
The Directorate of Education has effectively divided the Delhi region into 12 districts and 29 school zones with hierarchy ranging from districts to zones. Each district in Delhi consists of two or more zones; each district is headed by a District Education Officer and each zone is headed by a Zonal Education Officer who is responsible for commanding the education department on a zone level. 
Although the Directorate of Education employed numerous reforms to advance the school system of Delhi, still a large portion of the district’s population is either illiterate or in possession of only a primary level of education.  

Early Childhood Education Overview

Early Childhood Education Overview

What is Early Childhood Education?
Early childhood education is a term that is used to commonly describe the formal teaching and care of young children by individuals or professionals other than their family or in settings outside the child’s home. Based on the definition provided by the National Association for the Education of Young Children, early childhood education spans the child’s life from birth to the age of eight.
That being said, the general definition adopted by the majority of school districts throughout the world will typically employ a system of early childhood education starting from birth to when a child starts school—which typically occurs at the age of five. 
The definitions regarding early childhood education are somewhat arbitrary; however, the majority of school jurisdictions throughout the world have defined the curriculum as taking place between a child’s birth until he or she reaches the age of 6. This period is regarded as one of the most critical in regards to a child’s development, for the years, which constitute early childhood education, denote the most influential period of growth and development. From zero to age 6 is the period of greatest growth and development for a child; at this stage, the brain develops most rapidly.
During this period, a child will begin walking, talking, developing a self-esteem and manufacturing a vision of the world. As a result of these innate developments, the child will build a moral foundation that is ultimately intertwined with the ability to perform rudimentary educational tasks. 

The Importance of Childhood Development:
Childhood development is in essence, the basis of human development. This stage of life is connected with understanding and developing morals as well as achieving a desirable quality of life. The early years of a child’s life are critical to the development of intelligence, as well as social behavior. Various research on brain development attests to the importance of key physical, mental and social capabilities. If these fundamental capabilities are not developed or established from the start of an individual’s life, the learning potential is adversely affected. 
Early childhood education, with social and mental development as the foundation of this learning period, will focus on children learning through play and human interaction. According to the Early Childhood Care and Education Unit, early childhood development incorporates a time of remarkable brain development; these years in essence, lay the foundation for subsequent learning. 

Types of Schooling in Early Childhood Education:
In most jurisdictions, preschool and kindergarten education emphasize the period of early childhood education and incorporate the teaching of children between the ages of 3 to 6. That being said, the terms Childcare and Day care, although they incorporate educational approaches, do not embrace the educational aspects grouped within early childhood education.
The distinction between these two mediums, even if they both provide educational resources and learning tools, is the fact that child care programs are focused on delivering a high standard of care and nurturance due to the young age and emotional needs of a child. 

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